Hello and a very warm welcome to cook click n devour .
Who Am I ?
I am Harini, the person behind cook click n devour and I am so glad you are here. A passionate foodie that I am, my motto behind this blog is to share recipes that are quick to make, you can make with everyday simple ingredients, fresh and yummy!
I am an engineer by education and worked as a software professional previously. I live with my husband and daughter in Chennai, India.
I have been very much interested in cooking and collecting recipes from my teens. My aim trough this food website is to share recipes that anyone can cook with confidence.
About cook click n devour:
I started to cook in my teens out of interest. I have been cooking for more than a decade and now I cook day in and day out for our family. Here in cook click n devour you will find recipes that are
- seriously easy and quick for those busy bees
- restaurant style exotic and yummy recipes when you crave something special
- Unique recipes
- Eggless baking (My passion since teens)
- Most important are the recipes for toddlers and kids. Food that toddlers and kids will actually eat. You know what I mean 🙂
We are vegetarian and so this blog features vegetarian recipes (no eggs, no gelatin). You will find a predominant collection of recipes from Tamil nadu and Tambram (Tamil brahmin ) that we cook on most of the days.
Major part of recipes shared here are vegan and satvik (no onion and garlic). Though I use onion and garlic in my recipes, I was born and brought up in a satvik home so most of childhood favorite foods are without onion and garlic.
Apart from that I also try recipes from various states and countries to feed my desire for cooking.
How I Cook And Blog?
I grew up eating seasonal local food everyday as a child. So I always try to make use of season’s best produce and source it locally. We prefer to get organically grown veggies and fruits, rice and ethically sourced milk.
We also try to give back a bit to nature by not using plastic bags or wraps at our home. We have a small kitchen garden where we grow greens, herb and veggies like okra, tomato, green chilies.
I absolutely believe in cooking with positive attitude and love. I urge you all to try this if you have not yet. Food cooked with love, a smile on face and positive thoughts reflects on the people who eat it and creates a overall good vibe.
I blog a recipe here if and only if we as a family are satisfied with the taste and outcome of the recipe. I mostly test all the recipes twice before blogging but there are exceptions. Most of the recipes are presented with a video, step by step pictorial along with a printable recipe card.
The recipes featured here are mildly spiced, use natural ingredients and stay away from artificial colors and flavors as far as possible. Now if you are new visitor please start from the vast recipe index with more than 1000 recipes and I hope you keep visiting often. Thank you so much for joining us!
About photography:
All the photographs and video seen here are styled, shot and processed by me. Please note that all the photos are copyrighted and need a prior written acceptance from me to use for commercial purposes or in your website or in social media. Please write to me at cookclickndevour@gmail.com first.
About comment,recipe requests and feedback: Contact
I honor your comments, suggestions and constructive criticism so keep them coming. Comments are moderated for spam, promotional links, offensive, rude comments.
I encourage and invite recipe requests, do email me at contact@cookclickndevour.com with any queries, requests for new recipes and anything related to cooking and recipes. I do NOT exchange links or accept comments with explicit back links.
Content and copyright:
All the recipes blogged here are tried, tested and photographed by me. Even the recipes I have referred elsewhere is written in my own words along with due credit to the original source. I request you not to republish the content or pictures as your own and it is a violation too. If you have tried a recipe or want to use my food photos, please do so with a proper link back. Write to me if you have any concerns.
Promotions and product reviews:
I do not accept any gadgets, food products for review. Also I do not accept content from third party for exchange of link or traffic to my blog.
Let’s connect on social media:
To get regular updates from the blog, new recipes and interesting tidbits please be in touch through facebook, twitter, pinterest. Subscribe with your email to cook click n devour to get new recipes in your inbox.
Once again thank you so much for your presence, it means a lot to me!
Harini 🙂